Monday, June 13, 2011


Having a bit of trouble getting pictures from the greatest waterfall in the world uploaded. Ellen, I beg your patience. You will soon be rewarded.

So for now, you all are stuck with this rubish. Plus unrelated pictures.

I´ve been at this whole travel thing for over three months now. I feel it is time to come forward with a confession or two on how my daily life has changed a bit since my time in the states. Perhaps this information will be best reflected in a before and after comparison.

Before I came to South America I never sewed a single thread in my whole life. After coming to South America I have used needle and thread to repair clothing two times. Not well I might add.

Before: Used a phone multiple times daily
After: I have no phone

Before: The bed I slept in was the same every night
After: I´ve slept in 37 different beds since I left

Before: Wouldnt be caught dead on a bus
After: I have spent over 150 hours on a variety of buses

Before: Shaved once a week
After: Four times total

Before: Brushed my teeth twice a day
After: Just once a day

Before: Flossed once a day
After: Bahahahahaha

Before: Showered twice a day
After: Every other day

Before: Applied deodorant once per day
After: Once per week

Before: Used the toilet sit down style 3 out of every 4 days
After: 1 out of every 3 days

Before: never seen, let alone used a bidet (that french thing that shoots water up your bum bum)
After: Argenina is full of them and it is awesome every time

Now that you are mildly grossed out, please remember that many of these statistics are based on averages. There are times in which many modern conveniences, such as showers, are simply not available. Or I just don´t feel dirty enough to warrant an impossibly cold bathing experience due to the lack of hot water. So yes, most of this is purely based on the circumstances I find myself in. Either that, or the frame of mind.

But have no fear! I can assure you that once I return, all personal hygiene will return to a level that is above and beyond that which is considered socially acceptable in our part of the world.

Next up, Iguazu! Hopefully.


  1. Oh!! I miss all those things so much! Is that strange? Maybe. Already scheming my next adventure! Hope you are still enjoying yours!

  2. Nice pre and post SA ese. Sounds like you'll have some re-adjusting to do when you finally return to the states!
