So my last day in Lima is fast approaching. Friday I board a bus and head north, into the mountains. In Huaraz I will be reunited with my sexy lover, Kyle Blair, who is there with the Peace Corps. Before I leave Lima, I feel it's only fair that I share a few pictures with you of things I've seen, places I've been, or whatever I deemed necessary to pull my camera out for. Now, I could also write about these pictures, but it would honestly be boring to the point that I wouldn't even want to proof read it. So I won't burden you with those details. Instead just gaze upon these few photos and let your imagination fill in the blanks.
What I will tell you about, which is hopefully at least mildly more entertaining, is a few of the random people I've met while in Lima. First there was a couple I hung out with several times who were young Swiss doctors. They were out touring the world before beginning their efforts to save it.
Then there was this guy I met from Sweden while I was wondering around a park. This park was several neighborhoods and a handful of miles away from the hostel I was staying at. Anyway, we talked for a while, he was a cool guy, and I went on my way. Later that night while I'm making dinner at my hostel, guess who sits down at the table. Same guy! No, he didn't creeper stalk me all the way back. Even though we met miles away, we were both staying at the same place.
Next I met a Chinese guy, alex, who was actually from Canada on his way to a town a couple hours south of Lima for a water purification project. He had ridden his motorcycle all the way from canada to Guatemala where his bike burst into flames and burned up. Turns out that the cheapest thing to do was fly back to Canada, buy a new motorcycle and start over again. The day after I met him, he was out on his bike when a taxi pulled out in front of him, slammed on their brakes, and Alex slammed right into them, flew over his handlebars, through the taxis back window and into their back seat. He was fine but the same couldn't be said for his bike. And he was so close to his destination......
And the last guy worthy of making it into my blog should actually be writing a book on his travels. Steve is an Australian who is on the ultimate party world tour. He started in brazil for the week long party known only as Carnival. Shortly he will be arriving in Cancun, Mexico to experience the American holiday called spring break. Then after a long surf break, he jets over to Spain for the running of the bulls. Then if everything goes well, he gets to Germany just in time for octoberfest. So after many months of partying, Steve will return home. His liver, however, will most likely not make it back.
Well, those are the notables for now. I've enjoyed my time in Lima, even if 85% of it does smell like a homeless fish in tattered jean shorts and a greasy fedora, went on a pissing spree. Now I shall find out not only what northern Peru has to offer, but I also plan on discovering which poorly dressed, public urinating, vagabond animal it smells like.
Much love
Oh MY gosh! I laughed til I cried about the fish! Thanks for the pics....beautiful architecture!!!