Monday, March 7, 2011

Early mistakes

So for the first few days of this trip I've been in vacation mode. Not waking up until 10:30, ( for now I will attribute the late rising to me being unaccustomed to the time change. Give it a week or so before we get real and call it for what it is.....laziness). Finally I drag myself downstairs for a little breakfast, then I have spot of tea while I watch a little futbol or read a book. I know what you are thinking. Sipping tea, watching soccer and reading books? What has Peru done to that dashingly good looking Mr. Tillery that we once knew? Well fear not, for I have managed to retain that sex appeal while trying a slightly different lifestyle.

Yesterday I was out for a stroll in the neighborhood when I was drawn towards quite a bit of noise. Something was goin down. Naturally, I had to investigate. The source of the ruckus was several city blocks filled with people. There was live music, vivid colors, cheering, people dressed as pirates, many others were smearing paint all over each other, and some were spraying everyone with hoses and super soakers. At first glance I assumed this to be some sort of gay pride parade. But then all the pirate stuff got me thinking that perhaps it was maybe a super awesome pirate festival. But wait, could it be a combo of the two and I had stumbled upon a huge butt pirate party? I decided this was the most logical conclusion and went with that theory until someone told me it was a local festival for the Barranco district. I liked my idea better. Either way it was pretty nutty and fun to watch.

Alas I could not simply watch for long. I decided to become part of the celebration by attempting to pick my way through the madness in an effort to get back to my hostel. I must have been seriously delusional to really believe that I could get through this sea of madness without getting smeared with paint or drenched by a trigger happy, super soaker wielding, ten year old. Indeed I had set the bar unattainably high as I was definitely introduced to my fair share of both paint and water. Luckily they relatively cancelled each other out and I escaped the masses with no permanent damage.

And to address the title of this entry, I may have already broken two of the big three no no's.
#1 Don't drink the water!
I accidentally took a couple slurps in the shower. Quickly realizing my mistake, I downed a full liter of bottled water. No adverse effects yet.
#2 Don't throw the toilet paper in the toilet!
What can I say? that's a tough habit to break.
Now you're dying to know what number three is huh? That one I have yet to break but I feel an infraction may be in the near future.
#3 Don't run around naked at night waving a fist full of money while screaming, in Spanish, "Take me to your home and teach me new things!"
Yes, it's probably best that I don't know how to say that in Spanish. Oh Google Translate......

Anyway, I must be off for there are a couple of French girls who seemed to have noticed those dashing good looks you were all so worried about.

Much love

1 comment:

  1. I am happy to see that things are right in the world and that Mr. Tillery has managed to blaze trails to lands not yet ready for sexiness of this scale. As for the French girls... they never stood a chance. :)
