Thursday, February 24, 2011


(lower stage lights. bring the fog. cue epic entrance music. and out from underneath the stage I come flying up like Michael Jackson on the Thriller tour.)

Good evening ladies and gentlemen! And welcome to my blog! This one is for you!(insert ridiculously high levels of crowd applause/screams/general approval.)

As you may know, I will be traveling around parts of South America for the next several months. Why? Because I want to. And I cant think of a better time in my life to make it happen. So, I will be living out of a bag strapped to my back, doing whatever sounds good at the time, in countries that I currently have a very feeble grasp, (a huge overstatement), of the language. And if you have any sort of mild interest in what I will be getting myself into, this is the place to keep up with those escapades.

Oh and about the name of the blog, (Ese in S.A.), I know many of you understand it so just skip this, but there may be a few who dont so this part is for you. In spanish, "ese" is pronounced just like saying the letters S and A. In slang it means "dude" and more properly it means "this or that one that we are talking about". So the title of the blog means "dude in South America" or "that one (person) in South America". So either way it works, plus "Ese in S.A." is a fantastically clever play on words. Youre welcome.

Yeah so thats about all Ive got at this point. Come back later when Im actually in South America beginning March 5th and hopefully I'll have something more entertaining to share rather than explaining the name of my blog.

Much love!