Monday, November 21, 2011

Waking Up

So after 36 weeks of living out of a bag, making new friends, and experiencing truly amazing things, it's over. Less than two weeks ago, I arrived back in Albany, OR where it all began, making the past nine months seem like a dream that flashed by all too quickly. And all I have to say is......HA! And you all thought I was going to die.

Alright, so perhaps I do have a bit more to say in this wrap-up edition of my South American adventure. Here are a few numbers just give you a little concrete summary of the trip...

38 - Different buses I rode

392 - Hours spent on those buses.

17 - Books I read to keep myself occupied on those buses. No, none had pictures.

77 - Different beds/couches/floors I slept on.

6 - Countries visited.....according to my passport.

24,901 - Circumference of the world, via the equator, in miles.

25,118 - Total distance I traveled, in miles.

So there are the numbers, but they do nothing to tell of the jaw-dropping things I saw, or the incredible people I met. Upon returning home I was asked if I would do anything differently if I were to do it all over again. It didn't take long for me to answer. I can honestly say that if I were to do it all over again, I would do absolutely nothing different. Just one decision to stay somewhere a day longer, or go somewhere else and it would have totally disrupted the chain of events that led me to the places I went and introduced me to the people I met. I could never wish to change any of it. I am incredibly thankful for everything that happened to me, whether it was by design, by accident, good, or bad, I loved everything for what it was - part of my life.

Oh! I'm sure you were all dying to know, and the answer is no. South America did not let me down. I was successfully able to get robbed before I left. Exactly one week before I left, to be accurate. Well played SA, right when I thought I was safe. You really loaded up on the good stuff too. Camera, iPod, cash, credit cards, and toothbrush! That was the real kicker, the toothbrush. I was upset about the other stuff for all of two minutes, because I had expected it to get stolen the whole time, but my toothbrush? Really? Definitely went for the inconvenience points when you took my toiletry bag. Touche. At least you didn't get my passport, otherwise I would probably still be there. Well, maybe that wouldn't be so bad...

While I was sitting in the airport, waiting to catch my flight out, I was having some sitting/reflecting time and jotted this down:

It's times like these, when a glorious part of your life is coming to an end, that it is difficult not to feel sadness. But instead of mourning the sunset, be happy and give thanks for how brightly that sun shone on your days. Furthermore, embrace the fact that the sun will rise again, and it will bring with it a time of fresh experiences and new adventure. Get excited for the unknown that is the future, because it holds the rest of your life. Go live it!

Hopefully that provides a little comfort or inspiration for you like it did for me.

I have been asked quite a bit what is next for me in my life. How will I follow up this crazy time in South America? With an encore of course! Yup, after spending the holidays with my family, I will be returning to South America in January. This will be a much shorter trip, about two months, and will be different in the sense that I'll be attempting to work while I travel. Just a little test run to see if I am able to use a computer to support myself while seeing the world. Bring on Colombia!

That's right, this blog hasn't worn itself out yet! Check back in Jan for more tales when this Ese gets back to SA. Plus, I'm sure I will get a few travel related posts up between now and then so feel free to check those out. Also, I plan on giving my blog a little makeover in the near future so try and maintain a handle on your excitement for that.

Well, I just want to thank you all so much for keeping up with me and my travels. I had a ton of fun writing this whole thing, so it is my hope that it provided a bit of enjoyable reading for you. Your feedback and encouragement is extremely appreciated and I guess as long as there is someone interested in reading my stuff, I shall keep bringing the words.

Again, thank you all so much and, as always, so much lovsies!

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